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Colonoscopy Specialist

Premier Gastroenterology

M. Rodwan Hiba, M.D.

Gastroenterologist located in Brooksville, FL

A colonoscopy serves two essential purposes. The procedure reveals problems in your colon that are causing symptoms like abdominal pain, and it’s the gold standard for colon cancer screening. At Premier Gastroenterology, M. Rodwan Hiba, MD, diagnoses and treats all of the problems found in your colon, including preventing cancer by removing polyps. If you have questions or need to schedule a colonoscopy, call the office in Brooksville, Florida, or request an appointment online today.

Colonoscopy Q & A

What is a colonoscopy?

A colonoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that allows Dr. Hiba to view the inside of your colon, diagnose the cause of your symptoms, and treat problems.

Premier Gastroenterology produces exceptional colonoscopy results because they use an advanced, ultra-high-definition endoscope that sends images to a large, organic light-emitting diode (OLED) screen. The result is a crisp, high-contrast video that captures every detail from inside your colon.

When would I need a colonoscopy?

You may need a diagnostic or screening colonoscopy. They both follow the same procedure, but they’re performed for different reasons:

Diagnostic colonoscopy

Dr. Hiba does a diagnostic colonoscopy to determine the cause of symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, and rectal bleeding. During a colonoscopy, he may diagnose many gastrointestinal disorders, including diverticulosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and colon strictures (narrowing or blockage in the colon).

Screening colonoscopy (colon cancer screening)

A screening colonoscopy can be done any time, even if you don’t have symptoms, to check for colon cancer. Though Dr. Hiba can detect any problem in your colon, he specifically looks for polyps.

Colon cancer begins as a benign (noncancerous) polyp growing on the colon wall. Over time, polyps may turn into cancer. Finding and removing polyps prevents colon cancer. If cancer has already developed, eliminating the polyp cures the disease as long as the cancer hasn’t already spread.

When should I have colon cancer screening?

Current guidelines recommend that people with a normal risk for colon cancer should have their first screening at the age of 45.

If you have a high risk, then you should get your first screening earlier than 45. You’re in the high-risk group if you:

  • Have a personal history of colon cancer
  • Had a previous colonoscopy that found polyps
  • Have a family history of colon cancer
  • Have inflammatory bowel disease
  • Have a hereditary colon cancer syndrome


The best way to learn when you should have colon cancer screening is to meet with Dr. Hiba for a risk assessment. Then he can recommend when to start and how frequently you may need screening based on your individual health needs.

What should I expect during colonoscopy?

Your colon must be clean for Dr. Hiba to see the inner wall. He prescribes SUTAB®, a laxative in the form of a tablet that’s easier than other cleansing options.

Most patients are sedated to help them relax. Dr. Hiba guides the long, slim scope to view the walls of the colon while advancing the scope.

As he advances the scope, he releases carbon dioxide (CO2). The gas inflates the colon and makes it easier to see the tissues. CO2 is quickly reabsorbed by your body. As a result, you have less discomfort and gassiness after the procedure compared with the standard procedure that uses air.

After reaching the end of your colon, Dr. Hiba withdraws the scope. Along the way, he reexamines the tissues, treats any problems, and removes every polyp.

If you need to schedule a colonoscopy, call Premier Gastroenterology or book an appointment online today.