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Hemorrhoids Specialist

Premier Gastroenterology

M. Rodwan Hiba, M.D.

Gastroenterologist located in Brooksville, FL

Three out of every four adults will have hemorrhoids at some time in their life. Though many people suffer through hemorrhoids, you don’t need to put up with the pain, bleeding, and itching. M. Rodwan Hiba, MD, at Premier Gastroenterology offers several quick, safe, in-office treatments that eliminate the hemorrhoids and give you relief from your symptoms. To schedule an appointment, call the office in Brooksville, Florida, or use the online booking feature today.

Hemorrhoids Q & A

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are enlarged blood vessels that develop in your rectum and around your anus. The veins become engorged with blood due to excessive pressure on the area. The pressure is often caused by straining during bowel movements, sitting on the toilet for a long time, or chronic constipation.

Women commonly get hemorrhoids during pregnancy. You’re also at risk of developing hemorrhoids if you regularly lift heavy objects, don’t eat enough fiber, or you’re overweight.

What symptoms develop if I have hemorrhoids?

Your symptoms depend on whether you have internal or external hemorrhoids:

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids are in the lining of your rectum. These hemorrhoids seldom cause pain, but they may lead to bleeding when you have a bowel movement. If that happens, you see bright red blood on the toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.

Internal hemorrhoids can also prolapse or drop down through the anal opening. At that point, they cause pain and irritation.

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids cause pain (especially when sitting), itching, and rectal bleeding. You may also notice a hard lump. These hemorrhoids may develop a blood clot, causing severe pain and swelling.

How are hemorrhoids treated?

Dr. Hiba treats hemorrhoids with three in-office procedures:

Hemorrhoid banding

Hemorrhoid banding (hemorrhoid ligation) is the most common treatment. In a quick, painless procedure, Dr. Hiba uses a specially designed tool to tie a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. The rubber band stops the flow of blood, and as a result, the hemorrhoid shrinks, dies, and falls off.

Infrared coagulation

Dr. Hiba may treat internal hemorrhoids by inserting a small probe into the rectum, then sending infrared heat through the probe and into the hemorrhoid. The heat destroys the hemorrhoid.


If you get sclerotherapy, Dr. Hiba injects a medication into your hemorrhoids. The medication turns the vein into scar tissue and the hemorrhoid shrinks.

Will I need surgery to remove hemorrhoids?

Very few people need surgery to remove hemorrhoids. However, if you have severe bleeding or pain, large external hemorrhoids, or a prolapsed internal hemorrhoid, or if hemorrhoids return after banding, you may need outpatient surgery.

Dr. Hiba performs two types of surgery, stapling and a hemorrhoidectomy. Stapling holds a prolapsed hemorrhoid in place and makes it shrink. A hemorrhoidectomy refers to cutting away the hemorrhoids.

When you need relief from hemorrhoids, call Premier Gastroenterology or request an appointment online today.